Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 77, 100 Happy Days: Do Nothing Day

Random doodle from today:"The Choppy, Mustachioed King"
Looking back on today, nothing stands out as THE thing that made me the happiest. This was truly a day off, of the first order. An 'I might do nothing, I might do something, but I'm damn sure gonna do whatever the hell I please' kind of day off.
And so I did.

A little work, a tiny bit of cleaning... actually, I have no idea where the day went, but I know I enjoyed it. I took it easy. There were 10,000 things that I could have - and perhaps should have - done, but I didn't. And I don't feel bad.

Also, perspective: I made an attempt to do laundry tonight, but when I opened the door to my building's laundry room, there was a homeless man sleeping on the floor. I got pretty irritated and thought about kicking him out. Then I thought about how cold it was out, and it was snowing, and I realized that this guy's problems are much worse than my not being able to do laundry.

That may not have made me happy, exactly, but it made me grateful. And yes, I'm very happy and grateful to have a roof over my head, and a warm cozy bed to sleep in.

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