Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 10, 100 Happy Days: My Studio Practice

Yesterday I decided to recommit to my art. I have to do this from time to time, as the business of art, and teaching, and making a living get in the way of my real work: painting.

So, I've decided to strengthen my studio practice. (Alright, let's be real; I decided to have a studio practice.) Every day that I don't have to be at my studio to teach (or for some other reason), I'm going in to paint. This is day two. So far so good. Amazing, actually.

As if to confirm my decision, I just had a conversation with another artist whose boyfriend is a successful artist in NYC.
Making a living from your art is difficult enough, but to do it New York? Well, that's a dream. So, today's happy came from knowing that someone is doing it. And from feeling like I got a nod from the universe. I'm on the right track. Keep moving, keep painting.

Day 10 Bonus Happy: I found ten bucks in an old pair of jeans. Woo-hoo!!

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